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How it Works

Our Technology
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As waves pass the OWC, the water column is constantly moving up and down.  As this happens, the air is compressed and is driven through the turbine under pressure, which in turn generates electricity (see Figure 01).  As the wave recedes the opposite effect is experienced and air is sucked back into the OWC through the turbine, continuing the electricity generation (see Figure 02).


To make the energy extraction effective, the cross sectional area of the OWC is narrowed as it approaches the turbine.  This serves to accelerate the air so that it reaches its optimum velocity and pressure as it passes the turbine.  The pressure within the chamber is fully controlled through the valves system (see Figure 03) and turbine blade pitch control to achieve the optimum conversion efficiency.


The company has developed two major product variants; aquaWAVE™, for shallow water application, blueWAVE™ and ogWAVE™ for deep water application.  These devices use the same airWAVE™ turbine, Power Take-Off (PTO) system, control systems and same fundamental principles of the OWC.


Figure 01

Figure 02

Valve system.png

Figure 03

Ocean waves contain enormous quantities of energy and harnessing this energy in the most efficient and productive way is the objective of the Aquanet Power technology.


At the heart of the technology there are 3 simple elements:


01. Oscillating Water Column


Oscillating Water Columns (OWCs) are simple constructions that act like a piston and cylinder.  As waves rise within the OWC, it replicates the action of a piston, driving a column of air ahead of it and through the turbine.


Aquanet's OWC system through its unique design geometry has been enhanced to increase the total power output efficiency of the wave energy converter (WEC) by more than 60% when working in conjunction with our patented airWAVE™ turbine, automatically actuated relieve valves and control systems.


The enhanced design reduces turbulence at the entry to the OWC and drag inside the chamber, resulting in considerable increase in capturing wave power and system efficiency


02. airWAVE™ - Bidirectional Reaction Turbine


Most turbines are designed to function with a constant flow in a single direction.  Our patented airWAVE™ turbine can continue to generate electricity regardless of a change of direction under varying flow conditions.


Furthermore, the control system of the turbine can enhance and optimise the resultant pneumatic pressure within the OWC thus increasing the power output considerably.  


03. Power Take-Off System


The system will be matched to the airWAVE™ turbine based on the available wave resource. The rated capacity of the generator will vary to best match the environment conditions at the installed location.


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